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Blog - Chula Vista, CA

Category: General Dentistry

Toothache tips

Tips for a Toothache

February 8, 2018

Toothache On February 9, we celebrate National Toothache Day! Sounds like an oxymoron, right? No one every “celebrates” something that causes such pain, especially when...

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Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits to Start the New Year

January 25, 2018

It’s the beginning of a New Year, resolutions are in full swing and you’re making great progress. Whether your plan is to lose weight, exercise...

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Tips to protect tooth enamel

Get Rich…Calcium Rich! Your Teeth Depend On It.

January 11, 2018

In honor of National Milk Day, we thought it appropriate to talk about calcium and how important it is to your overall oral health, gums...

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Oral Health Care

How Oral Health Care Affects Your Overall Health

December 28, 2017

We know brushing and flossing regularly is important in keeping our smile healthy and bright, but did you ever think not practicing this daily could...

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Teeth Whitening

Quick Guide to Teeth Whitening Before the Holidays

December 14, 2017

Are you ready to show off that whiter, brighter smile this holiday season? We are ready for you too! Here is a quick guide to...

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How to Choose the Right Dentist for You!

November 30, 2017

Finding a dentist sounds simple. You contact your insurance carrier and look for a dentist close in proximity. So easy! But that’s just not the...

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Thanksgiving Bonita Del Rey

5 Foods Surprisingly High in Sugar

November 14, 2017

Foods Which Are High in Sugar As we prepare for the holidays, we start thinking about all the delicious foods! But we’ve been so diligent...

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routine dental visits

3 Most Important Reasons for Routine Dental Visits

October 12, 2017

When was your last visit to the dentist? It’s recommended to have routine dental check-ups every six months, or sooner depending on your oral health...

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Tooth decay

Breaking Down Tooth Decay

September 14, 2017

We often associate tooth decay or cavities with children and young adults, thinking after we become adults we are out of the woods. This is...

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Chipped or cracked teeth

5 Most Common Causes of Chipped or Cracked Teeth

August 24, 2017

Did you know, tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body? However, that doesn’t mean you should use your pearly whites to open bottle...

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Oral Health Care

How to Prevent Gum Disease

August 10, 2017

Gum Disease Did you know an estimated 3 out of 4 American adults have gingivitis? This is the earliest stage of gum disease and can...

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secret to healthier smile

Top 25 Hydrating Foods & Beverages

July 27, 2017

Hydrating Foods & Beverages A hydrated mouth, is a healthy one! Foods that produce saliva wash away unwanted food residue and sugar which can lead...

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New Smile, New Life

Whether you want to improve your smile for a special occasion or want to make a lasting change, our team can help.

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Our dedicated team is here to provide you with personalized attention and exceptional care, tailored to meet your unique dental needs.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Get Your Guide To Cosmetic Dentistry Now!

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Get Your Orthodontic Pricing and Information Guide

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Can Dental Implants Work for You?

Take this 15-second quiz to see if dental implants are right for you!