When you schedule your regular dental visit or have a treatment in mind, know that any question you have is important. Whether it’s about how you’re brushing your teeth or what may be causing bad breath, the dental questions you ask help our team better care for you. And that’s our number one goal at Bonita Del Rey Dental Care – YOU! Here are a few frequently asked questions we get on a regular basis, and how they have defined further, necessary treatment.
Why do my gums bleed when I brush my teeth?
Your gums may bleed for a number of reasons, it could be inconsistent brushing and flossing, a fractured tooth, overcrowding of the teeth, or even certain medications you take. In most cases, bleeding gums are due to problems with plaque or bacteria. This is why it’s important to schedule regular visits with your dentist. If the problem remains, you should consult with your dentist. You may be a candidate for six-month-braces or even dental implants.
Why do I wake up with a sore jaw and headaches?
Waking up with a sore jaw and headaches could be the cause of grinding or clenching your teeth during the night. Over time, and if done regularly, grinding your teeth can cause serious damage and possible stress fractures. A simple solution could be a night guard or retainer, and the result… and good night sleep and pain and headache free mornings!
What can I do to improve my breath when I’m not able to brush my teeth?
Often times the reason for bad breath is because you’re not brushing or flossing correctly. Plaque builds up and collects bacteria which then causes the malodor. Between brushing (your teeth and tongue) and flossing twice a day, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to wash away debris. Try to avoid smelly foods like garlic and onions. Chew sugar-free gum after meals. And if that doesn’t fix the problem, please consult your dentist as there may be other issues that need to be addressed.
Why should I have my teeth cleaned twice a year?
While we know everyone tries to consistently brush and floss twice daily, plaque builds up over time and turns into tartar. This substance is not easily removed with a toothbrush, and is what your dentist and oral hygienist removes during your visit. Regular, 6-month visits help keep your mouth healthy and clean, plus we use this time to check other potential problems during your check-up, including an exam of your gums, tongue, jaw and more. Depending on your oral care history, 3- to 4- month intervals may be more necessary.
Why don’t my dentures seem to fit anymore?
Dentures are, unfortunately, not a permanent solution. Your teeth support the bone in your mouth, and once those teeth are removed, the bone loses the support and thus your mouth starts changing. Over time, the dentures that previously fit your mouth don’t any longer. You have a couple options though, you can get your dentures realigned every few years or you may consider looking into a more permanent solution with dental implants.
This is a technique in which an implant is inserted directly into the jaw to integrate with the bone. After the healing process bonds the implant to the jaw, a new tooth is attached that is just as strong as the original, natural tooth. Dental implants are one of the most successful and popular dental treatments. Comfortable, durable, and natural looking, they provide a permanent solution for severe tooth problems. We are experts in planning, surgery, and dental restoration, meaning that you’ll be receiving the highest standard of care possible.
These are just a few questions we receive on a regular basis, and there are so many more. We will continue to post more. However, in the meantime, if you have specific questions about your oral health care, please contact our office. We offer free dental consults as well as second opinions to ensure you’re getting the best treatment possible. We look forward to hearing from you!